Substantial participation is not considered to be: [5] Cooperation agreements and grants are „a legal instrument of financial support between a federal procurement agency or intermediary enterprise and a non-federal institution“ within the meaning of the OMB Uniform Guidelines (§ 200.24 for cooperation agreements and § 200.51 for grant agreements). „Declaration of participation of the Confederation. Any cooperation agreement should include an explicit statement on the nature, character and extent of the expected participation of the Confederation. These declarations must be drawn up carefully in order to avoid unnecessarily increasing the Confederation`s liability under the aid instrument. [2] (1 MB) Infographic: What exactly is a cooperation agreement? Substantial participation (sometimes referred to as substantial federal participation) has at least one of the following characteristics: (4) On, of course, we have government grants, but you will also find many „cooperation agreements“ when looking for funding opportunities. This is because cooperation agreements and subsidies are very similar, but with a big difference. In the case of cooperation agreements, significant participation between the NIJ and the winner is expected. The recipient must work with the assigned NIJ Grant Manager, who is the authorized representative of the NIJ responsible for the proper administration of the scholarship. In addition, a NIJ scientist will be assigned to work with the laureate`s researchers on substantive issues related to the prize – support, guidance, coordination and participation in project activities to ensure the winner`s success. The NIJ scientist may also publish and present with the beneficiary`s researchers as representatives of the NIJ. For cooperation agreements, the review and approval of the OMB`s PRA will likely be required if the NIJ is meaningfully involved in the design, development of methodology, and analysis of data collection. As the extent of NIJ`s involvement may not be clear at the time of application, applicants proposing research projects with data collection efforts with more than nine (9) respondents should assume that OMB PRA authorization is required and consider this information when developing the application, including proposal, research plan, schedule and budget. The NIJ may, at its sole discretion, award grants in the form of grants or cooperation agreements.
Although many of you are familiar with grants, you may not be as familiar with cooperation agreements. Cooperation agreements are just another tool to support high-quality crime and justice research. The cooperation agreements allow us to fully exploit the expertise of NIJ scientists and support innovative research. The following table shows some of the key differences and similarities between these two financing options. Funding opportunities for expected cooperation scholarships should include the following in the synopsis description: With a grant, the fellow has a high degree of autonomy. Although recipients are still required to submit regular progress reports, among other administrative requirements for grants, participation in the NIJ is significantly lower. If the prize is a cooperation agreement, include a detailed and project-specific description of the essential activities to be carried out by the service staff as part of the prize („The service will be … “ and „the recipient will be.. instructions). Significant involvement does NOT include: allocation of funds, assignment of a project officer, review and approval of standard financial and performance reports, payment processing, monitoring to ensure the project is completed on time, or performing other ongoing management and monitoring activities. These responsibilities are inherent in any financial support and do NOT justify the issuance of a cooperation agreement! Do not include these types of activities in the „The service will be.. essential declaration of participation. [5] 4.
Yes – The participation proposed by USAID is considered a SUBSTANTIAL PARTICIPATION, and therefore the appropriate implementation tool is a cooperation agreement. In the case of grants, no significant participation between the NIJ and the winner is expected. The beneficiary is required to cooperate with the grant manager of the assigned NIJ, who is the authorized representative of the NIJ responsible for the proper administration of the grant. If the Fellow also decides to hire NIJ scientists for contributions and advice on substantive issues related to the grant (e.B instrument review, translation of field results, suggestion of publication locations), the Fellow may access the NIJ Fellows at no cost to the grant. An applicant must continue to hold a license and a good reputation during the certification period to practice law in North Carolina. b) Substantial participation – The applicant must confirm to the Board that he or she has experience through substantial involvement in the practice of estate planning and estate law. Beneficiaries of a cooperation agreement must apply for and obtain prior authorization to hold a conference. This may impact research activities, including proposed working group meetings, roundtables and focus groups that meet the definition of a „conference“ under DOJ guidelines. See „Conference Approval, Planning and Reporting“ in the JUP Financial Guide. In the case of grants, there is usually only a very low level of federal involvement in data collection. Therefore, review and approval of the PRA is generally not required.
However, there are exceptions if the collection of information as part of a federal grant is considered „carried out or sponsored“ by an organization. The PRA applies to grants only if: Key takeaways 1. . .